AstrologyAstrology Columns 

Cosmic Healing, Grace & Ease | October Astrology

By Catie Cadge PhD

October greetings, Santa Cruz stargazers! This autumn, the Libra seasonal theme is finding right balance in relationships, creatively working together in ways that support both parties and the right for each one to take up space. Life takes negotiating and developing a good rapport for all involved. Hmmm…and we are working our way closer to the Presidential election! Tension is in the air. We need some cosmic healing. Remember the words of Throwing Stones by John Barlow and Bob Weir, so meaningful this fall, “A peaceful place, or so it looks from space…” Libra as a sign is about peace and walking in beauty, calming down and making life an aesthetic experience of grace and ease. 

The month opens with an annular solar eclipse, 10°04’ Libra, on October 2nd at 11:49 am Pacific time. The Moon, Sun, and Mercury conjunct the south node of the Moon in Libra so there is some karma around the dance we are doing with our partners, not just romantic ones, but creative and possibly business ones too. It is a good time to use our language and ideas to heal division. The Aries north node at the time of the eclipse and Mars in Cancer square to the nodes says we can also make a stand and defend what we feel is right for our family and country. “Someone got to turn the page…” With minor planet, Ceres, in Capricorn, opposing Mars in Cancer, there may be some grief and loss in letting go of the status quo. Old, outdated structures need to go.

On October 9th, Jupiter stops in the sky and appears to move backward, stationing retrograde at 21°20’ Gemini. The holiday season and in the early months of 2025, folks with significant planetary placements or degrees in mid-Gemini may need some fresh perspectives and new approaches, especially when it comes to learning, teaching, writing or talking. Look to see where Jupiter is moving in your own natal chart. 

Meanwhile the Moon is out of bounds, at extreme declination, in Sagittarius and Capricorn the second week of the month, so some may go over the top pontificating about their beliefs, some of which may be too bold, unconventional or, when in Capricorn, overly controlling or competitive. “But his pants are down, his cover’s blown…and the politicians throwing stones.” Yup.

Then on October 11th, Pluto also stops in the sky, this time turning direct at 29°39’ Capricorn. We might see the last dying breath of worn-out structures of the patriarchy in the weeks ahead before Pluto reenters Aquarius in late November. Let’s hope for the right types of change, something that might support a bright future for all of us. “The future’s here, we are it, we are on our own.”

The Full Moon in Aries, 24°35’, occurs on October 17th, at 4:26 am. This lunar time really underscores the theme I outlined above in terms of relationship and creating right balance. The Moon is conjunct Chiron, the “wounded healer,” in Aries, emphasizing a need to heal in us any hesitancy to being assertive with our own needs. With both Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn square the Sun and Moon, watch out for sensitivity when talking with partners or close family. Be careful of what you say and realize that, again, some old structures or ways of being are on their way out now. Control or power tripping never works. Rather use a flexibility of mind to create a new path where both parties or people can be at ease and be themselves. 

Sun enters Scorpio, joining Mercury in the sign of the scorpion, on October 22nd, stepping us into Halloween season and El Dia de Los Muertos, when we celebrate death as an inevitable facet of life. Scorpio is a watery sign where the cosmic vibe supports diving into deep, emotional and psychic realms with others. Intensity of experience is the name of the game. Seek passionate and intimate connection, rather than the low road of jealousy trips or power plays. See the power of death – and life! – in each other as we rock and roll on Halloween! “So the kids they dance, they shake their bones!” Happy Halloween!


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Julie Horner is Co-Founder and Editor for the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Julie lives and works in Boulder Creek and is an active participant in the county's vibrant music scene. She loves the outdoors and is the go-to expert on Santa Cruz Mountains hiking trails.

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